1. Care of the Course:
Holes in Bunkers
Before leaving a bunker, fill in and smooth over any holes and footprints made.Restore Divots and Pitch Marks
Replace displaced turf promptly and press it down. Repair any damage to the putting green caused by the pitch mark of the ball.
Damage to Green
When putting down bags or the flagstick avoid damaging the putting green or green surrounds. Properly replace the flagstick in the hole before leaving the green
Damage through practice swings
Be mindful not to cause damage during practice swings, especially on tees.
2. Consideration for Other Players:
Players in range
Wait until players in front are out of range before playing your shot
Undue delay
Play without unnecessary delays. If your group falls behind by more than one clear hole invite players behind you to play through
Searching for a ball
Players should signal the group behind to pass as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not be easily found.
Golf is a game of courtesy and respect. By adhering to these guidelines you contribute to a positive experience for everyone on the course. Enjoy your game!